Tuesday 24 November 2009

A good crowd in the Bull

A very jolly turnout at the Bull on a wet and windy Monday evening.

Nick Gilbert recommended a very reasonable (price wise) computer chap, Bob Tay, who is on 01424 438880 or bob@bobtay.plus.com. I believe he is PC only, for those of us still using PCs.

Good to see, Kent, Rohan, Zoe, Anna Foster, Penny and Matthew Kellet who has just come back from Ireland having spent more time working and promoting the 'Father Browne' book of photographs.

A very unusual web site worth looking at http://www.carlwarner.com/

Monday 23 November 2009

Photographers beware

This was posted on the UK Press list. Here's the story: http://www.professionalphotographer.co.uk/News-and-Reviews/2009/11/Photo-organisation-slams-government-plans-to-change-copyright-law

UK GOV decide that unlike all other creative media, photography no longer requires copyright protection: http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/copyrightreform/
Please read and act accordingly. We call on the Government to abandon plans, announced on 29 October2009, to allow free and unhindered reproduction of photographs without payment or credit on non-commercial websites.This is completely at odds with the Government's stance on filesharing of other forms of intellectual property (films and music) and raises the prospect of crippling thousands of small businesses while protecting large corporate interests. The proposal uses phrases like "It must be seen to benefit all parties, not some at the expense of others" and yet the Government's proposal does exactly that. It takes the work of photographers who have invested time and money in creating work, and gives it to people who have no relationship with that work, for free. Photographic businesses are already under severe strain and the proliferation of digital cameras gives the impression that creating professional quality imagery is easy. This will further devalue the work of professional photographers and destroy the photographic industry."

Tuesday 22 September 2009

The Bull - Monday 21st

A good turnout for the first meeting after the summer break and a toast was drunk to Roger. Due to a darts match we were in the dining room, which provided a quiet backwater for the general conversation as the public bar can be a tad noisy.

The travelling adventures of Jo Thompson (lives opposite the Bull, Benenden) were mentioned and, for those interested, her story can be followed at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/hubs/gapyear/gap-year-mum/.

A new Groucho participant Ann Foster, www.youbyyou.co.uk gave us a tantalising account of a biography she is ghost writing about a local lady with a very colourful past. Perhaps she can send us some extracts.

Good to also see Rohan, Kent, Celia, Penny and Nick S.

The next meeting will be on Monday 12th October, then a rotation of Tuesdays, Wednesdays and back to Mondays. Dates in the top right hand column.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Life after Roger - a hard act to follow

Welcome to the new Groucho South-East blog, post Roger, and now in the hands of David Merewether.

Not normally known for my writing skills, my first finger is used for pressing a shutter
rather than a keyboard (or holding a glass). Still, I'll give it a go and hope that Roger's hard work still continues.

Watch this space for details of the first meeting in the Bull.